Her Story Music
Angelina Joy Emanuele's PROMO VIDEO
original song she wrote and recorded
called "It Girl"
"It Girl" inspired by her sister LIZA EMANUELE'S
Australian Fashion Label IT GIRL by Liza Emanuele
Angelina "Joy" Emanuele is a professional dancer, choreographer, songwriter, singer, actress, entertainer, producer and entrepreneur, who has studied, performed and taught all around the world. A versatile and multi talented artist who finds great joy in teaching others to dream to. This little girl originally from Adelaide,Australia became an International Gypsy Girl with a very Big Dream at a very young age. |
From the beginning.......
Miss Joy was even the leader and "go getter" then as a litle one.......
The oldest of
five children who were all blessed with a wonderful upbringing filled
with opportunity and support. She attended Scotch
College for 11 years while studying ballet, jazz and gymnastics
with some of Australia's greatest teachers such as; Rex
Reid AM, Helen Beinke, Kay Cranwell, Luccette Aldous, Anne Tannenbring,
Denise Fisher, William Carse, Tom Farlie, Miss Wellington &
many others. At 15 she began dancing professionally in a ballet company called The Adelaide Dance Company and danced at venues such as The Sydney Entertainment Center, Victorian Arts Center Ballet, Festival Theater plus touring all over Australia. At 16 she was studying and performing in Europe at The Princess Grace Ballet School in Monte Carlo and at 17 at The Center of the Performing Arts. At 18 she auditioned and was accepted as a cast member in Andrew Lloyd Webber's CATS, (which opened her eyes and made her see there was a world beyond just classical dance) and at 19 she was producing and directing her own dance company and choreographing for major corporate companies, television shows and commercials in Australia. |
She was always involved in competitons and as a result she won Best Newcomer Photographic in Australia in 1987. At 12 she won the "5AD Radio Station's Xanadu Dance Competition" in her home town and at 14 "ABC's Polygram Countdown Flashdance Competition 1983". It was also there she met Malcom McLaren (Sex Pistols) who said. "Angelina you were terrific! Keep jumping. Im sure youll make it!" Just one of the many people during her childhood that have inspired her to dream big. |
In 1990 she decided she wanted to utilize her talents on a world wide scale, and knowing that it was music that had always been what motivated her to dance, she began writing, performing and recording her own music. With her first demo (consisting of songs produced by Chez Haynes, Yuri Worantschak and Mike Duffy formerly engineer from PWL Stock, Atkin and Waterman) and a music video "Burning up my love" which she produced. With video and demo in hand she said goodbye to a very promising career in Australia and flew to London where she lived from May 1990 to May 1991. There she discovered writing was the key and her ticket to the big time. See Music |
1991 She met Geoff Beauchamp (formerly the guitarist of Patsy Kinsets 8th Wonder) who produced her second batch of songs, (many of the hundreds of songs written that year she is now re - recording for THE JOY HOUSE). She also had meetings with EMI, Virgin, Warner Brothers and Atlantic. All, who showed interest but all had something to say..."Its too Madonna, too Paula Abdul, too this, too that...." But it was Michael Rosenblatt at Warner Brothers that said that her songs were really strong and that she should be in the States. So with her drive, killer determination and "the big picture" in her mind she packed her bags again and flew to New York (not knowing a soul). After two weeks she decided to check out Los Angeles. (Even though many advised her to stay in the Big Apple). See Music In 1992 -
1994 she had some of LAs top musicians playing with her
(James Bradley Junior, Joe Simon, Marcello
Consenza, Keith Barrows etc) and she performed
at The Palace for Vital Options, 1993
1996 still all the while concentrating on her
music career, she also got back into her dancing and performed
with the Los Angeles based Sinay Ballet,
performed at The Greek Theater for Bijan
Mortazavi, choreographed music videos, worked as a dance
stylist and make-up artist for photographers and as an actress
. She was featured in Warner Bros.
In 1997, her song "Follow your heart" produced by Boris Midney was aired on GROOVE 103.1 Radio (Poormans Morning Show) and listeners loved it. Her song "SLAM"" which she co-wrote with Brian Adler was placed in NBCs TV movie "The Secret". As a result from a review in Music Connection in 1998 she also was asked to write for Mastersource TV/ Film licensing and as a result her song "Kick Inside" was placed in Warner Brothers "Sabrina the Teenage Witch." and the TV Show "All my children" and "Let's get to it" was used for Nintendo |
"Rock City Music Awards 1997 and with Count Smokula" and "Live Shows"
1995 - 2002 as a result of
her performances over the years she has received very positive press
and reviews. especially for her one woman show Please see Press and Music
In 1998 she was invited to judge "Miss Teen L.A." and "Miss Fitness America" and she presented Best Pop Band for the Rock City Music Awards. She also was the head of dance at The Sho Kosugi Institute in Los Angeles. The road has been at times difficult, colorful but real fun. She has always been resourceful and fortunate enough to find ways to survive by doing what she loves. It has been by truly following her heart and believing in her "big picture" that she has always discovered ways of promoting her art, talent and gift of communicating through her love of dance and music. She has finally discovered her niche and market. The 3 12 year olds of the world. (To think 10 years ago when she started her musical journey they werent even born). See References and Remarks. It was because of the positive response from audiences from her shows, (the way she could motivate a crowd, get people up dancing and make everyone feel good) that she decided to start using her music to teach and found that the kids of Los Angeles loved her songs. So she started her own afterschool program called The Joy House which has now also become a TV Show for kids called THE JOY HOUSE that she produces and The Joy House Birthday Party (which is becoming one of the hottest party ideas.......... using only her music). Timing is everything. It is the kids of the world, the new generation, that will make THE JOY HOUSE what is destined to be. A global, universal house for all children. |
Her focus now is to take THE JOY HOUSE to the top through The Joy House TV Show, The Joy House Birthday Party, Afterschool Programs and Joy House Dance Music. She has performed and recorded 3 Volumes of music for THE JOY HOUSE and is currently recording the fourth. She continues teaching in the schools and producing The Joy House TV show. "She is definitely one of the hardest working women in Hollywood"
She is talented, ambitious
and driven but most of all this little "go getter" from Down Under
loves what she does. A visionary whose big picture is to combine
music, dance, the arts, theater, pop, education, entertainment
and commercial business worlds together in a positive, productive and
responsible way.
Interested in investing in this brilliant concept for kids? See Biz Ideas
As Joy says, "If
you give joy, you get joy!"
Now you know who I am, now it's time for you to tell me about you...
With my great parents
Copyright THE JOY HOUSE TM All rights reserved.